An easier way?

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An easier way?

Post by JohnL83 » July 7th, 2023, 10:44 am

Is there an easier way to find out where certain objects are located within a towns family inventory? ie, which family has certain objects

I often do MC clean up's of Sims family and personal inventories across the town, deleting excessive objects. Normally this is fine and I just delete most things regardless. But I often find that some of my Sims cars, umbrellas etc end up in their family inventories across town and I was wondering, is there a way to find WHO's family inventory has certain objects? I ask because I'd like to have them keep their cars and umbrellas (I often use build mode on their umbrellas and cars to match the Sims fav color, style or social class) and if I can see who's stuff was put into their fam inventory I can just make them active and give it back to them so they can use them. I've tried the "info" option, but it gives me numbers and such, but no info on which family inventory has what objects. (why no, "in the Adams family inventory?") Thus I find myself just checking upon rotational play if they have had stuff that put there and I can give it back, but this can be tedious. Plus it's often that many sims end up with cars and such in the fam inventory and my rotational play isn't that frequent due to the glitches that can show up if I rotate to too many homes in one session.

I hope this is clear enough, I do tend to ramble...:P

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An easier way?

Post by igazor » July 7th, 2023, 11:44 am

I periodically pass through all of the families in my worlds checking their family inventories to see what has accumulated there. Yes, it's tedious, but you don't have to rotate active control in to each one to do that. One or another of the available MC commands should be able to do that for you, such as the Sell Item command on the MC Household menu -- the family that owns the lot gets credit for the sale, not the active sim.

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