Unable to use Mods with EA app. Please kindly help me:)

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Unable to use Mods with EA app. Please kindly help me:)

Post by animallover19 » June 9th, 2023, 11:19 pm

For the last 5months I have been unable to use NRAAS mods; my game won't even start.
I only use NRAAS no other mods.
I have a window 11 and windows 7 computer.
I have the lastest EA is Patch 1.69
I have an:
Overrides folder
Packages folder

None of the mods I use are related to the sims 3 store content. such as cupcake. I only use MC + modules and Story progression + modules.
Here is what I have done:
  1. I have cleared EA app Cache and sims 3 cache.
  2. Factory rest my laptops
  3. I have tested removing some of the mods one by one and the issue still persists.
  4. If I remove the mods entirely the game will run smoothly.
  5. I have Resource.cfg
  6. Added overwatch, debug enabler.
Please help me :)

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Unable to use Mods with EA app. Please kindly help me:)

Post by igazor » June 11th, 2023, 7:49 pm

Just to clarify, if you download a fresh Mods Framework from here, unzip and put it into place, and clear (delete) the five cache files on the top level of your TS3 user game folder in Documents, does your game not start and load the two small, sample mods that come with it?

I am NOT the expert here, but I think some players have had to reinstall their games from the beginning after transitioning from Origin to the EA App to get mods working again. But don't do anything drastic until a player with actual experience on that platform confirms.

What is always safe to try in the meantime is a fresh TS3 user game folder. Move the current one out of Documents (or rename it) and a fresh, no-content one will spawn to take its place. Your content and saved games, etc. will still be safe in the pulled out folder. Can you set up the Mods Framework properly on this one?

Note that during all this testing, the game will certainly crash on startup if it reads the MC Progression module but StoryProgression (the SP base mod) is not present. Even those of us who know this inside and out, or the thing with Cupcake when the bakery set is not present or loading, sometimes make this mistake while troubleshooting with handfuls of mods here and there as it's so easy to do by accident.

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