Game Performance MASSIVE lag only when zoomed in on tomb lot. Why?

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MASSIVE lag only when zoomed in on tomb lot. Why?

Post by kittykatmeow10 » October 26th, 2018, 9:20 pm


So I have sent some of my sims on vacation recently. I've been trying to have one of my two sims explore some tombs. However, when I do try I keep encountering MASSIVE amounts of lag. This is only when I am zoomed in on the tomb lot, and my sim is below "ground level" . 

I have no freaking clue why my game becomes virtually unplayable only when I am zoomed in on these tomb lots. Playing around in different lots in the same world (in this case, France) I encounter no lag issues and gameplay is normal. Heck, even if I am on the surface level of a tomb lot (for example, the art museum in France) there's some lag, but not to the completely unplayable degree I keep encountering when I go to a tomb.

I've tried several different things to try and pinpoint what is causing this lag. I thought at first that maybe it was a general world thing, so I tried Reset Everything with MasterController, completely disabled animal spawns and paparazzi for the world with Register, and turned off all forms of weather via the game options and Tempest.
I would try turning off StoryProgression too, but I hid the visibility options on lots to make it easier for me to find secrets in tombs, and now I can't figure out how to get it back while I'm still on vacation in order to actually turn it off. Oops. 
The world is still relatively new in age (I've only played in it for about 3-4 sim days so far in this particular Destination), so it's not like it has become overpopulated or anything. 

I tried looking up tomb routing issues online, but all I get is results on people complaining about China's horrible routing and lag, and not about actual tomb lag. This Game Help article on MTS suggests that maybe Overwatch is a culprit of world lag in some cases, but maybe I'm misreading it. Could Overwatch be causing lag issues? If it is, why would it only be when I'm zoomed in on a tomb? It should be noted that I do not have the "fixed" version of France currently installed, but I'm not even sure how I would go about installing it without causing my current game file to become a BFBVFS, even if I returned to my home world.

I don't think this is a CC related issue, as I have no other problems when playing in my main world (that are not obviously mod-related; at the moment I'm also trying to resolve an issue where the clock on the UI keeps stopping, and I know that's due to an exception Awesome mod is catching). I haven't installed any new mods any time recently. But just to be safe, I'm running Dashboard on all of my non-bundled CC files to look for problematic items. 

Does anyone have any clue why I would be encountering so much lag only when I'm zoomed in on a tomb? Is it due to the high amount of objects present in most tombs, or maybe the particle effects (from fire, glowing switches, the room fogger, etc)? Almost all of my graphics settings are turned down as low as they possibly can due to me trying to troubleshoot this. Right now, I'm waiting for my game to load again after I turned Textures all the way down to the lowest setting (the only two setting above the lowest possible ones are Sim Detail (which is High) and reflections (which is Mirrors Only). Textures was previously on the Medium setting. 

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MASSIVE lag only when zoomed in on tomb lot. Why?

Post by TreyNutz » October 26th, 2018, 10:02 pm

I've had this issue too.  First check that your FPS is limited via your graphics card options.  You can use vsync if you play in full screen.  Otherwise you'll need other options.  I play in a window and have an Nvidia card, so I use Nvidia Inspector to set the card's TS3 profile to limit the game's frame rate to 60 hz (to match my monitor).  (edit:  limiting the frame rate did the most to counter the lag in tombs, and in basements in general.  It's absolutely the first thing you should try.)

I've also had issues with MasterController and ... I think Tagger being installed and getting lag in tombs - but that's without limiting the frame rate.  When I have the frame rate properly limited then I don't have trouble with MC and lag.  But I think the last time I played a tomb I needed to temporarily uninstall Tagger despite having the frame rate limited. 

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MASSIVE lag only when zoomed in on tomb lot. Why?

Post by igazor » October 26th, 2018, 10:13 pm

(sighs) No, Overwatch does not cause world lag. And ErrorTrap does not make the milk in our real life fridge go sour any faster, nor does GoHere contribute to global climate change. Although it's good to hear these claims reported on when players find them mentioned elsewhere, to be perfectly honest I wish players who are convinced that these cause-effect relationships are valid would react to them in their own ways to make themselves happy and just STFU about it on the web (but of course that's not realistic and I don't really or usually think that).

Where you have the wall and lot menus disabled, they should still be available on City Hall and to an extent on in-game computers and that is where one would re-enable them. WA worlds don't have City Halls, so the map tag of the Base Camp lot fills in as a substitute. In Uni World, that would be the map tag of the Admin Bldg, in Oasis the Community Center (I think).

The fussier and most intricate of the tombs will definitely have an impact on performance. I don't get total lag-out fests unless I have my active sims split up and visiting more than one tomb at a time. But with my aging graphics card, I do definitely see frame drops as far down as 10 fps when zooming in on some of them and have to wait a bit for the lot to finish rendering each time. It's the design of the lots and sheer number of objects on them causing that. It's still totally playable with enough patience for me. I would think this would be noticeable on high end systems as well, but may I ask what you have for a CPU, graphics card, and how much RAM? And how much RAM (in GBs) is the game using at these points within the game? Is your fps verified as being capped and staying under the refresh rate of your monitor?

Edit: Whoops, TreyNutz snuck in there with some helpful information as well. Been a while since that has happened, but hi there!  :)

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MASSIVE lag only when zoomed in on tomb lot. Why?

Post by TreyNutz » October 27th, 2018, 11:43 am

igazor wrote:
October 26th, 2018, 10:13 pm
Edit: Whoops, TreyNutz snuck in there with some helpful information as well. Been a while since that has happened, but hi there!  :)
Hello! :) I haven't played TS3 in almost 6 months.  Bought a Kindle Unlimited subscription from Amazon and discovered a passion for m/m paranormal omegaverse romance novels.  :-o  I check in here and the official forums from time to time, but since I'm not playing routinely at the moment I don't often post. 

Anyways, a while ago I posted about this very issue on the old site.  [I don't know whether older Chatterbox threads made the transition to the new site.]  At the time I posted I thought it was MC and some other mod (I don't remember which one) was causing the lag.  Turned out that updating my Nvidia drivers can reset changes I make with Nvidia Inspector and I was unaware that my frame rate was no longer capped.  Capping the frame rate largely solved the lag issue in tombs for me.

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MASSIVE lag only when zoomed in on tomb lot. Why?

Post by kittykatmeow10 » October 27th, 2018, 12:47 pm

Yeah, I did notice that Tagger was acting up when I was in my vacation world, as my most recent script dump files were all Tagger-related. Perhaps that solves the mystery. I'll try running my vacation world without Tagger to see what happens. 

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