Woohooer: Something I'd love to see in a new version

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Woohooer: Something I'd love to see in a new version

Post by KA957 » October 21st, 2016, 4:00 am

I saw somewhere on a TS3 board a post that things would eventually pick up here as far as improved versions. If not, I understand with Twallan retired. But if you eventually do a new Woohooer version, there are aspects of the cheating-related behavior that can't be tuned in the mod as it exists, nor by XML mods. So, this is a request. I don't know its chance of fulfillment, but I can at least ask:

First, what is already tunable: The overall maximum level of jealousy can be tuned directly by changing Woohooer tuning. Low/Medium/High and all that. Romantic Rep has a few easy to find XML mods out there; and if, like me, one is comfortable tuning XML's, it's easy to morph them into whatever I want. Even those who aren't comfortable with that tuning has a few choices in mods, and it's possible (I never tried it) that the Retuner could be used to do what I do by directly modifying the tuning mod.

That leaves a lot that can't be fixed, however:

1) The line/circle that forms around someone who does so much as flirt when they have another partner, which lowers relationship with the onlookers, even acquaintances who.have "ask if single" in their menu, meaning they don't even know the sim is cheating.

I don't know if turning "jealousy off" in the woohooer would even stop it (I have jealousy low, but I do think if a partner sees such interaction there should be some hit, just that sims shouldn't be as judgmental of it, especially if they like the partner doing the cheating better than the one being cheated on). Others may feel differently, and I'm not asking for it to be killed, just tunable for those who want it either turned off or maybe trait or relationship-scored. The line in tuning might be "onlooker to cheating reaction: Always (EA Default), Sometimes (which would then be trait-scored or relationship scored, resulting in about half of sims being judgmental), Rarely (which might have to pass both a tough trait-scoring gate and require that the person judging like the cheated-on better than the cheater), or Never (only the partner gets upset).

Jealousy itself, and I know this is a fairly widely held view, should definitely be possible, but only once "partner" level is reached. "Romantic interest" should not entitle anyone to feel any level of possessiveness. So in addition to "jealousy level" there should be a minimum relationship for jealousy: Romantic Interest (EA's stupid default), Partner, Fiance, or Spouse. I think I'd choose Partner, which makes realistic sense, though it might be fun to raise it to Fiance, especially to help Heartbreaker LTW sims keep romances going for the eventual breakup (though if I were minimaxing for the LTW I'd want to have them break up asap after they got the Partner, but I don't minimax, instead trying to role play it).

Finally, the related thing is what (I've looked at the scoring files) is referred to as "Sneakiness" in them. I think there's also a base score we can give in Woohooer settings for it. Score enough in that and the sim may cheat, but not if the partner is in the room. However, they can still draw the crowd of others who judge them for cheating. This may or may not even need to be tunable-- it might be tunable, but might be automatic-- but I'd say the default would be if the trait-scored "sneakiness" threshhold is passed, a sim won't cheat if anyone who can see it will judge the sim for it. There also is trait-scored privacy, but that's for woohoo, not flirting, and is a different concept-- not wanting others to watch one having sex. The basis of "Sneakiness" is discretion to avoid consequences, and should IMO have that effect-- so if passed, and anyone who can see will judge them (whether that will happen ideally would deal the gate for judging), they won't do/accept the romantic social. The chance they could miss someone in the room is realistic, but that's why the trait-scored gate is there at all.

These would probably be hard to code, and I understand if they're never done. But asking can't hurt....

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Post by igazor » October 21st, 2016, 9:16 am

The only suggestion I can offer currently with respect to jealousy is more of an on/off switch that what you are after, and that is liberal handing out of the built-in No Jealousy LTR by way of MC to the would-be cheaters.

But I will point out, although it wasn't the focal point of your post, that claiming the mods aren't being updated isn't going to lead to a productive discussion. Mod development, done properly with testing phases as new features being rolled out, takes time. If you have a look at the <a href="http://nraas.wikispaces.com/Update+History">Update History</a> page, you will see plenty of activity since Twallan's retirement coming up on three years ago now. And on the <a href="http://nraas.wikispaces.com/Update+Hist ... g">Updates History Testing</a> page, you will see nine mod updates currently in beta testing, including Woohooer v130. There are others great things in the works and other aspects to the ones listed that haven't reached the beta stage for almost public consumption yet. I will also add that mod developers have other things going on in their lives and are not expected to devote overwhelming blocks of full time to this hobby; they are motivated by many things, but from what I have observed complaining about release schedules not being aggressive enough is not one of them. In fact, doing so tends to have the exact opposite effect so let's, if we could please, leave that part out of future conversations.

I will also point out, although we don't usually enforce such things, that feature requests really belong on the mod specific message boards, not in Chatterbox which is more for general chatter and players asking for general assistance.

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Post by KA957 » October 21st, 2016, 9:33 am

Okay, in the future I will use mod=specific boards. As to discussing mods being updated or not, I definitely was NOT trying to be critical. I feel bad if that was how it was taken. It was more "I don't know what the chances are of further mod updates and understand if there aren't, but if so here's what I'd really like...." If I came across as complaining, that was specifically what I was trying to avoid. Twallan made these mods generously and those who continue his work are similarly being generous. Any coding for free is purely generous, and if I came off as complaining or entitled, I really wrote my post horribly because that I not only don't feel that way, but was trying hard to make it clear I didn't feel that way. I really apologize if that was how it came across.

As far as the No Jealousy LTR, I don't think that stops the crowd of angry sims watching (correct me if I'm wrong on that). I think it just stops (completely, which I don't want) the partner from getting angry.

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Post by igazor » October 21st, 2016, 9:50 am

I was under the impression that the LTR blocks all or most impacts of cheaty behavior. One of my sims used to have a live-in partner (that didn't work out for other reasons) and around 28 RIs at the time. While seducing more and more sims then declaring them a romantic interest got more and more challenging as time went on, I never saw these crowds of angry sims concerning his unusual behavior even in public. He's just so adorable... :)

Although that was an extreme case, I don't really see it on the ones who have one or two affairs on the side either. Now I wonder if I've been missing something there. But yes, it is or seems to be a total off-switch and as said not exactly what you were looking for.

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