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Buy Takeout And Order Food in Traveler Worlds

Posted: January 8th, 2018, 2:04 pm
by enable_llamas
Hi guys, so I'm using Buzzler's Buy Takeout And Order Food At Restaurants Mod and it's pretty much a life saver with non-culinary inclined sims that you dont't want to be living off cereal forever. However I noticed it doesn't seem to work at all when my sims travel to another world and I wondered if someone else is using it and can shed some light on the matter.

I don't know if it's not working in all worlds as I usually send my sims to small vacation destinations that have a gazillion food options all over the place. This time it's Monte Vista and at first I thought it might be because both the Diner and Bistro are combo RHs, but I plopped down a regular Bistro rug and still no options appeared neither on it, nor on the phone. My sims are gonna get fat from all the breakfast burritos and takeaway pizza, lol. Non of them has ever prepared their own food in their life and I don't feel like burning the house down just yet :D

Posted: January 8th, 2018, 3:19 pm
by igazor
I don't recall having an issue with that mod in vacation mode as long as the rabbitholes are in place. But maybe what you need is a bakery display or two in town and stocked with full meal platters courtesy of the Cupcake mod that you now successfully have working? :)

Posted: January 9th, 2018, 7:23 am
by enable_llamas
That is actually a very good idea since I can't get it to work and that huge waste of space fake-cafe-thing near the hospital is still mostly empty... But anyway the weirdness persists, it's something to do with meals I think because the mod to set the table also doesn't work at all and I have no idea what its problem is.