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Married Sims living apart won't move in together.

Posted: January 30th, 2016, 12:16 pm
by theapoo
Hi all,

In my town, Sims in different households often get married, and then they go into a lot of debt to buy a new house together. I want either the husband or the wife to join the other's household, not for them to buy a whole new house. So I set "Stranded Couple Loan" to 0. Now, they don't move in at all. The husbands and the wives stay in separate houeholds and continue to complain that they can't move in together.

I have checked StoryProgression FAQ and none of the reasons that it lists for why this may happen apply to me:

-there is enough room in either household for the husband or wife and his/her dependents to join it. I set Households/Room to Leave to 0.

-I have turned off rigorous home inspection.

-neither the husband or the wife is the oldest sim in an ancestral household,

-neither the husband or the wife has "Allow Move" turned off.

So at this point, I don't know what to do to get the wife and her dependents to move in with the husband or vice versa.

Posted: January 31st, 2016, 2:16 am
by littlelambsy
I would like to know the answer to this problem as well. My sims do the same thing.

Posted: January 31st, 2016, 2:19 am
by littlelambsy
I meant to add that to get my married sims living in the same house click on the ground of the house I want to add the spouse and use MC / Advanced / Add Sim, then choose the sim I want to move in. But it would be nice if the game did that instead of having to watch for every marriage and mess about with MC.

Posted: January 31st, 2016, 9:03 am
by PikAs2
I have the same Problem!

Posted: January 31st, 2016, 10:32 am
by MoMoll
@theapoo: Before your sims married, were they living with others in their previous home?

I was going to force some to live together, and a few days later found out the marriage had broken up. Perhaps, it's incompatibility. Many of my inactive married sims don't truly get along with each other due to EAs random traits which make horrible sims.

Posted: January 31st, 2016, 11:24 am
by littlelambsy
I know for me, I have breakup set to false so once they're married - that's it, a life time commitment. But the problem is I set move as family set to false because I would spend hours fixing up their home, then when I moved on to another family the little idiots went and moved out to another house. But I have move as single set to true. The problem is, when a sim gets married they don't move in with the spouse and I have to manually connect them.

Posted: January 31st, 2016, 12:18 pm
by MoMoll
Many of mine move in together. Except, those with commitment issues.

Posted: January 31st, 2016, 1:11 pm
by littlelambsy
So do they only move in together when in a relationship or do you have sims changing houses and moving about without being in a relationship?

Posted: January 31st, 2016, 1:55 pm
by namaradus
There are multiple reasons why a couple would be unable to move in together :

Neither of the sim's existing households has enough space to move the sim and their dependents onto the lot
The "Household Options \ Maximum Size" setting defines how many humans are allowed to be stuffed into the family.
The Home Inspection settings do not allow for the sims to be moved onto the lot
Settings such as "Lots \ Home Inspection Career Objects" will stop sims from moving to houses which do not satisfy their career requirements.
The combined funds of the two households is not sufficient to purchase a large enough lot to satisfy the couple and their dependents
If part of the household is going to remain in the old house, only the family funds available to the household is available to use during a new purchase
Otherwise the full cost of the lot and the family funds can be put towards the purchase of a new lot
There is no unoccupied lot available in town within the cost range of both households combined
One of the households has the "Household Options \ Household: Allow Move"turned off.
The option stops sims from leaving the family, and any being added to the family
One of the households has the "Household Options \ Ancestral"enabled, and the moving sim the head of the family (the oldest sim in the household)
If both households have "Ancestral" enabled, neither sim will be able to move in to the other's household
<a href=" ... +Moving</a>

Posted: January 31st, 2016, 1:58 pm
by namaradus
And one of the biggest reasons they can't move in together is that there are no houses cheap enough for them.
Which is why I always make sure I have at least a 10 houses below the $24,000 range