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Repair payment error?

Posted: November 26th, 2013, 6:48 pm
by lion33
I control one sim to go fix the toilet in a neighbor's house. She's not in the repairman career, but I think it doesn't matter. Once she finishes fixing the toilet, dollar signs rose up twice, once for $38, once for $39. I check the "Accounting" under "Household", it has the following entries:

Career Income: $76
Repairs: $39

General Expense: -$38

I cleared the accounting just right before she fixes the toilet, just to check the effects. Her family funds is up $77, and the neighbor's is down $77.

It's SP v263.

Posted: November 28th, 2013, 5:45 pm
by twallan

Probably got a hit from [URL=">Careers</a>, and then one from <a class="wiki_link" href="/StoryProgression]StoryProgression[/URL] itself. They both allow for payments from repairs.

Thanks for the report. :)