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Playable Doctors: Testers and people with ideas wanted

Posted: June 21st, 2019, 12:24 pm
by KittyTheSnowCat
Hi everyone,
I made my first disease for Vector :D
It's an alternative to the Minor package. So far I only changed the Common Cold.
I originally only wanted to be able to have a pharmacy, but then I noticed that it makes doctors actively playable too (with the help of a lot of other Mods).
I wrote a detailed description here :
i would be happy if a lot of people tried it out and maybe have more ideas about what could be done, what other Mods work great with it and how to play.
For example I am really interested in what the best type of lot is for the doctor's office.
:D Snow

Playable Doctors: Testers and people with ideas wanted

Posted: June 21st, 2019, 11:12 pm
by littlelambsy
Sounds wonderful, hope it works ok. Love the idea of using the Nectar Machine. Also, my little pharmacy would be perfect for this.

Playable Doctors: Testers and people with ideas wanted

Posted: June 22nd, 2019, 12:55 am
by KittyTheSnowCat
Your pharmacy is already in Aurora Snows waiting for Claire to finish her biology studies at university. Until then my doctor has to make his own medicine^^

Playable Doctors: Testers and people with ideas wanted

Posted: June 22nd, 2019, 2:24 am
by LBillusion
I'll check this out. I've been playing as a doctor recently and looking to see what vector can do. I'll read some more about it later and let you know when I test it out.

Playable Doctors: Testers and people with ideas wanted

Posted: June 22nd, 2019, 12:59 pm
by Sara_Darkees
Someone's sims are visiting real doctors... And at this time I can't send my idiot to a standard hospital. I'm wondering, in your case, are there harmful patients who don't want to be treated because they're not in the mood?

Playable Doctors: Testers and people with ideas wanted

Posted: June 22nd, 2019, 2:46 pm
by KittyTheSnowCat
When I treat them my way? No. I just lock them in a room and throw herbs into a fire^^ They have to breath it in.
I never tried the hospital actions as I don't use rabbitholes in my game..

Playable Doctors: Testers and people with ideas wanted

Posted: June 24th, 2019, 11:34 pm
by Chain_Reaction
I would appreciate copies of NRaas scripting mods remain here rather than alternative links. I noticed you uploaded it here which is fine but new versions should be testing versions and prefixed with a two letter identifier. It can be found at :)

Playable Doctors: Testers and people with ideas wanted

Posted: June 25th, 2019, 3:52 am
by KittyTheSnowCat
Thank you Chain,
I could not find anything on uploading here and I was not sure if I even uploaded it right. I was planning on asking, but then a lot of other Sims IRL came up.

What do i do with the code? I only added one = to the Vector main Mod, but if someone else updates it in the future that = should be there or the WeightedStage loop wilol break again..And how do I upload to Testing?

Playable Doctors: Testers and people with ideas wanted

Posted: June 25th, 2019, 10:15 am
by Chain_Reaction
KittyTheSnowCat wrote:
June 25th, 2019, 3:52 am
I could not find anything on uploading here and I was not sure if I even uploaded it right.
You did it right and it did upload, only needed to add your 2 letter identifier to the name of the zip.
KittyTheSnowCat wrote:
June 25th, 2019, 3:52 am
What do i do with the code?
Since it's such a small change I'll handle it.
KittyTheSnowCat wrote:
June 25th, 2019, 3:52 am
And how do I upload to Testing?
Adding releases to the mod pages is very non-user friendly process at the moment. Since the change you made is only related to your mod I think it's fine if you just link to the base mod here on your blog with the link I gave you for now.