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Woohooer Hot Air Balloon Module

Posted: March 1st, 2019, 10:56 pm
by SillySimmerGirl
It's been a long time since I've played with the Hot Air Balloon from Auora Skies and so I included it in a new festival lot I built. I have two Sims who are madly in love (offically boyfriend and girlfriend) who visited the festival. The boyfriend decided to pop the question in the hot air balloon. So up they go, but there was no option to propose. I don't mean that it was grayed out - it was completely missing from the menu.

I went to the store and redownloaded and reinstalled Auora Skies, and tried several other things to no avail.

Then I decided to delete the Woohooer Hot Air Balloon module. Bingo. Now the option to propose is there. All the other interactions work fine as well. I checked the Woohooer module download page and confirmed that I did have the current version.

I don't know if there is something else in my game that caused this, or if there is a conflict with the module.

Woohooer Hot Air Balloon Module

Posted: March 1st, 2019, 11:39 pm
by igazor
Do you have the ability to replay the scene with the module back in place? It might be helpful to know what Woohooer's debugging utility says the reason is for the lack of proposal interaction.

NRaas > Woohooer > General > Debugging > True

This will reveal all of the Romantic actions, the ones not available will be greyed out, with the reason (in code, perhaps) showing on a tooltip pop-up upon mousing over them.

Be sure to turn the debugger off while actually playing with the game clock moving forward though, as it will generate endless debugging logs on everyone in town that aren't needed and drag game performance way down by doing so.

Woohooer Hot Air Balloon Module

Posted: March 2nd, 2019, 12:42 am
by SillySimmerGirl
Thanks for the reply, igazor. I put the module back in and turned on debugging. The tooltip pop-up said STC Fail Seductive. I guess he just wasn't feeling sexy enough :) ha, ha just kidding. Thanks for your help.