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Is it safe to delete sims and mobiles from inventories?

Posted: October 7th, 2017, 12:29 pm
by tizerist
Hi. I was looking to clear out all sims inventories with Town > Object Stats > Sim and I noticed that there is 'Actors.Sim' on the list. Is it safe to delete these? Also, all the Sims mobile phones are on there too. When i tried deleting all those Sims from the inventory, I couldn't select them again in-game with AwesomeMod until I had selected them again from edit town. I don't mind that, if it means I can do some spring cleaning on my savegame. As long as I'm not deleting stuff that I shouldn't be.
So I would just like to know, is it safe to do this?

Posted: October 7th, 2017, 1:32 pm
by igazor
I don't have any scientific data to back this up, but my sense is that no, this is not a safe way to delete sims. That wouldn't be spring cleaning, that would be the equivalent of deleting sims' bodies while their data potentially remains in the game as we can (unfortunately) do with testingcheatsenabled shift-clicks if the sims are on-screen. Note that you can also use Object Stats to delete the active plumbob and other game-breaking things that no one should be deleting.

Not sure why you would expect to be able to select a sim you have just deleted though. I think I'm misunderstanding this part. Delete is supposed to mean an item is gone, not just removed from the town view. The Actors.Sims and their mobile phones are not clutter, they are the sims themselves that are in your game (on the world lot at the time, in their homes, depends on which filter you apply). What exactly are you trying to accomplish here?

The safe way to remove sims from a game entirely is to use MC's Total Annihilation on them, together with ErrorTrap in place to clean up any residual data that may linger behind.

Posted: October 7th, 2017, 2:12 pm
by tizerist
Hi, the objective is to clear out the inventory of every sim in town, in about 20 towns. I want to completely wipe out everything they have, be it books, graduation thingy, food, rocks, everything. As long as it's safe!

Posted: October 7th, 2017, 2:36 pm
by igazor
Right, but you don't want to delete their smartphones as that would tend to break the sims. And again, Actors.Sim are the sims themselves, or rather their bodies. These aren't sim-inventory items. :)

Posted: October 7th, 2017, 2:48 pm
by tizerist
Ok, what's the best way to go about the task?

Posted: October 7th, 2017, 5:11 pm
by igazor
I would say that you want to concentrate on Object Stats > Inventory run from City Hall or the world lot (like a street or sidewalk). These filters get a little fussy on some of us. If you are seeing hundreds or thousands of books, for example, those are probably library books and those on shelves in other community lots and in sims' homes, not necessarily in their personal or household inventories. Tons of food ingredients are possibly on plants and trees. If you see spawners, that would be the wrong filter or the wrong menu. If you see kitchen counters, doors, and gates, obviously that would be the wrong menu as well as those would be Non-Inventory items.

You might want to try doing this one household at a time, even though theoretically it should be doable on the entire town at once.

Posted: October 7th, 2017, 5:13 pm
by igazor
To add though, if the way you were going about it is giving you what looks like usable results (only items in sims' inventories and not all that other overhead), then your're fine. But I would still recommend not deleting (flushing) sims and smartphones in particular that way.

Posted: October 7th, 2017, 5:20 pm
by Chain_Reaction
Don't delete Sims or their phone's, that's going to get you in trouble.

Posted: October 7th, 2017, 5:24 pm
by igazor
@tizerist - Ooh, now you've done it. See, you're gonna get both of us "in trouble." :D

Posted: October 9th, 2017, 11:33 am
by tizerist
Ok thanks, I'll just delete everything apart from phones and sims :)